Yooyoung providing search service for
our products as well as our R&D.
About our factory
Our factory located at Jincheon, Korea, which was designed with a cutting-edge facility at GMP level by consulting renowned domestic and international firms to manufacture and distribute the highest quality pharmaceutical product possible with our high-standard Quality Management System, is manufacturing and distributing finished drug products (OSD, prefilled syringes, ampoules for injections) and medical equipment. Especially, we are specializing in products based on hyaluronic acid, and have developed arthritis medication "Atri", "Atriplus injection", single-use osteoarthritis treatment Resyno-one injection, and fillers to decrease wrinkles. Also, our export revenue for OSD, injections, and fillers to many countries such as Japan, and many others in Asia, Europe, and South America have exceeded 10 million dollars each year, and our company was awarded with 10 million dollars export tower in 2021.

Also, our Jincheon factory received good reviews from visiting agencies and is recognized in many places as we were awarded with excellence award in quality management and the grand prize in quality management.
GMP system extension summary
Size Factory Extension & Remodeling
Land 23000㎡ (approximately 7000 py)
Building 15000m² 1,862.17m²[563 py]
2005.09. 2022.05.
Facilities Pharmaceuticals manufacturing building, automated storage, quality control building, facility maintenance building, offices Additional extension - prefilled syringe injection manufacturing plant (1,862.17m²)
Ampoule manufacturing line
Ampoule manufacturing line
OSD tablet manufacturing line
Automated tablet&capsule sorter
water processing system
Packaging room line
export manufacturing line
automated storage
Blister packaging equipment
ampoule filling machine
Extension of prefilled syringe injection manufacturing line
◼ Extension of additional manufacturing plant to manufacture, sterilize, and terminal-sterilize 10 million syringes per year
◼ Aiming to produce high-quality pharmaceutical products through an automated, mass production system using cutting-edge manufacturing equipment
∙Total manufacturing capacity : 15 milion syringes
∙Current employees : 140
◼ Introducing main manufacturing facilities
Our manufacturing plant has a capacity of 800 million OSD tablets, 25 million ampoules for injections, and 5 million prefilled syringes per year. By completing the extension on prefilled syringe manufacturing line in 2021, we aim to manufacture 15 million syringes per year, improving our high-quality manufacturing capacity even more.
◼ Commissioned projects
Commissioned formulation
solid formulation
uncoated tablet, coated tablet, hard capsules
ampoules (1,3,5 mL), prefilled syringe (1,3,5 mL)
Employee in charge Mr. Wootaek Shim (Team leader) / Production Management Team
Phone 043-539-8807
Switchboard 043-539-8800
◼ ︎Current International accreditations/certifications
∙2009 PMDA(Japan) - OSD tablets
∙2012 SZU(Turkey) - CE/ISO 13485
∙2012 PMDA(Japan) - Injections
∙2015 PIC/S GMP cerfitication [MFDS]
∙2018 PMDA(Japan) - OSD re-certified
∙2019: First to go through raw material medicine/DMF registration evaluatoin [MFDS]
∙2020: BGMP certification approved